Case stories

We are currently focused on sourcing new case studies for the website. We are seeking stories from businesses, foundations & coalitions that are addressing population health beyond the workplace setting to reach employee families and community participants. For more information contact

Get Healthy Utah

The mission of Get Healthy Utah is to create a culture of health through engaging multi-sector stakeholders, building partnerships, providing resources, and connecting efforts that support healthy eating and active living.

Intermountain Healthcare: Alliance for the Determinants of Health

A collaborative in Weber and Washington counties have been formed to address the social needs of our most vulnerable community members. The Alliance for the Determinants of Health (the Alliance) is a three-year demonstration project with support and participation from the public and private sectors. The Alliance will focus on SelectHealth Community Care (Medicaid) members […]

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), founded in 1930 as an independent, private foundation by breakfast cereal pioneer Will Keith Kellogg, is among the largest philanthropic foundations in the United States. Guided by the belief that all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive, WKKF works with communities to create conditions for vulnerable children so […]

Mid-America Coalition on Health Care

The Mid-America Coalition on Health Care is a 30-year nonprofit collaboration of employers and all components of the bi-state Kansas City region’s health care delivery system. It has 60 members, representing over 500,000 lives and leverages the expertise, experience, and resources of its multidisciplinary membership to promote health and well-being in the greater Kansas City […]


Wellmark partners with sports teams, key nonprofits, and civic groups in Iowa and South Dakota to work hand in hand, enriching heaIth through an array of unique projects and programs.


In 2011, Walmart committed to making food healthier, affordable, and accessible through a program with five key elements.

The Walt Disney Company

Disney program s help kids and families take action on topics they care about, from fitness and the environment to nutrition and volunteerism.

The Dow Chemical Company

The Dow Chemical Company is a member of the Michigan Health Information Alliance (see separate Appendix B. In addition, the company has developed a Community Health Needs Assessment Toolkit.

Target Corporation

Target donates 5% of their profits to communities, which equals more than 4 million USD each week. Healthy Communities is a core component of Target’s social responsibility platform.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The RWJF is the nation’s largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health and health care. The foundation works with a diverse group of organizations and individuals to identify solutions and achieve comprehensive, measurable, and timely change.

Open Flyout

If you represent a business, corporation, healthcare system or coalition engaged in community partnerships and well-being initiatives, consider sharing your story!

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